Preparatory Development Package
This work package includes preliminary activities necessary for the development and improvement of the situation within eight subjects, on all three institutions PC - Regulations, Energy potential of waste, Sensor systems, P1 -Combustion and ecology, Energy and environment, Material and energy use of waste P2 - Modern production technologies and Modern hydropower plants. This will result in integrated data on all study programs, their objectives with proposals for changes in the field of green energy based on current directives and market requirements on the one hand, as well as existing capacities - infrastructure, facilities, labor, labor, etc. - in the field in all three countries. The results of these activities will be coordinated and published in several reports. Green knowledge, skills and competencies required by graduates, postgraduates and current employees will be defined through cooperation with partners from the economy and will be aligned with their needs and experiences. This will result in long-term agreements between higher education institutions and companies/stakeholders in the field. This work package also includes activities related to discussion and defining methodological approaches in creating and training programs. Also, within these activities, the basis for an improved model of online teaching as well as long-term student mobility between all six partners in the project will be laid, all based on analysis and examples of good practice. This WP also includes the activities necessary to prepare for the full implementation of all project results achieved. These activities aim to achieve the exchange of knowledge and expertise on "green energy" education and training between PE partners from the education sector and PI - partners from the industry sector, partners