Project Management
The basic documents that will regulate this area will be PMP – Project management procedures with budget management plan and QAP- Quality assurance of project results. Within these documents, the competencies, communication channels and mechanisms of monitoring the implementation of activities will be elaborated in detail, as well as the assessment of the quality of the realized. To effectively manage the project, two independent bodies will be formed: the managing body – PM team and quality control body – PQAP team. Within the competence of the PM team, the realization of all project activities in accordance with the envisaged agenda will be under the responsibility of the PQAP team to evaluate the realized activities and achieved results, as well as the prevention of potential risks. The PM team will oversee strategic project management and will ensure that the project progresses in accordance with the work plan. The two teams will consist of representatives of the PC, P1-P5 partners, but members of one team will not be able to be members of the other team. In this way, independent assessment, and evolution of what has been done will be ensured. There will be regular reports on the progress of the implementation of the project and reports on the results achieved. Reporting will be periodic every two months, via an online communication channel. Reports on the course of activities will be discussed at pm team meetings (every two months – online), while reports on the achieved results will be discussed at the meetings of the PM team and the PQAP team at the meetings to be held organized by partners C, P1 and P2. An important element of monitoring the flow of implementation will be transparency in reporting and promotion of results. This effect will have an institutional, national, and regional dimension.